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Rochester, NY
Glover U Coach
Coach James Houghtaling began selling real estate in 1992 directly after graduating from college. Although he earned a degree in Economics and Russian Studies from Colgate University, he had made the decision prior to graduating that selling real estate in Florida was going to be his calling. He launched into his career with a sales system in place, a solid business plan for success, and aggressive goals. In his first year he sold 45 homes in a market where he knew absolutely no one other than his broker!
It wasn’t long before he was being asked to speak at local Board of Realtor events as well as other venues about what he was doing that allowed him to have such fast success. In 1997, after a few more years of continued growth, he moved back home to upstate New York and joined with a good friend who was also a top-selling agent in real estate, and started a seminar and coaching company. During the next six years they built their company to over 25 employees, including 6 full time coaches, which James managed alongside his own coaching and speaking schedule.
From 2003-2006 James continued working on his own both from the speaker’s platform as well as in the trenches on one-on-one coaching sessions. In the summer of 2006, James received a phone call from the Mike Ferry Organization asking him if he would like to work as a coach for them, as well as be one of a handful of speakers who would travel and lead their 3 and 4-day events. He eagerly accepted the promotion!
By this point in his career, James had coached hundreds of agents as well as broker-owners, and in November of 2007, he began working with a young, hungry agent from Detroit, Michigan—none other than Jeff Glover! James was Jeff’s very first coach, helping him lay the foundation for his career.
In 2024, after many conversations between James, Jeff, and his leadership team, the timing came together for him to officially join Glover U as a coach and speaker! With over 30 years of experience as a top-producing agent, a master presenter and event leader—as well as having worked with over 1,000 individual agents, team leaders, and broker-owners—James is absolutely thrilled to work with his long-time friend and most successful coaching client, Jeff Glover.