We had a full yesterday in Minneapolis for sesh 1 of SalesRocket Live and we still have 5 weeks left if you're in the area and would like to join just email us at info@gloveru.com. As always, if you/your team or brokerage would like a 6 week SalesRocket Live program for your crew, email us there as well to get a Spring one set up!
Okay continuing with the P. In PLACS..
Lets continue with Pre-Appt Marketing & Process and more specifically the reputation that must be created about you as a strong listing agent. So how do we do that? Well you already know the formula for one post a day/one video per week, but what should you post about? If you're looking to lift your reputation and ultimately leads for listings then here are the areas you should focus your posts on:
Market Stats (specific stats that appeals to sellers)
Your Results with Sellers (DOM, List Price to Sp, etc)
Before & After Photos of Listings You Had Staged
Sold Sign Placements
Closing Photos with Clients
Marketing Plan of Action (break them each into posts)
New Techniques You Use to Sell Homes
Door Knocking Footage of You Literally Pounding the Pavement
Open Houses (before, during and after results)
Prospecting (assume the position and capture it!)
Measuring & Photos (you or those doing it)
Pre - Appointment Package
Ill elaborate on some of the above as we continue but in the meantime, I want you to think about what you could be sharing that gives off the perception that you're a hard worker who enjoys life and gives back.
Lets get to work on today's post (during your admin time of course) and in the meantime, lets make it an unreal Wednesday!
P.S. for my broker, owner or team leads out there - I'll see you out there at 11a est as we'll be talking Recruiting & Retention! Gloveru.com/webinar to join us at no cost.
The thread starts to coil as he travels farther; the stickman hook must use his cunning to untangle it since he realizes that knowledge of the invisible force linking things will help him to open his route forward.
Such a well-written piece! I appreciate the insights shared. If you’re looking for additional resources, check out: https://brokeragetoday.com/.