After 8 years and 500+ events, I never thought we'd have to remove someone from our room, but last week, we did. The worst part? It was during Admiral William H. Mcraven's speech.
Yep.. if you recognize the name it's because you've either watched his University of Texas speech that went viral (Google it), read his books (Make Your Bed sound familar?) Or, maybe you remember him from the countless interviews on TV after his team of Navy Seals and Army Rangers completed the Bin Laden mission.
Regardless of how you know of the Admiral, we had a disturbing incident take place during the biggest event in the history of our company, and whether you were there or not, the lesson of what took place after is something worth knowing.
While the Admiral was speaking, he showed a photo from the "situation room" and it showed some familiar faces that were in charge of critical situations from back then (Biden, Clinton and Obama to name a few). During his comments about what was happening in the photo, someone from the audience shouted out an inappropriate comment.
Now, if you were just in any audience, it could've easily spiraled into people either rallying behind the person's comments or voicing their disagreement and of course if that did happen you'd still have just as many people disgusted by them. So what happened in our audience?
After the sweeping gasp that took place, within moments, the individual was removed, and their ticket revoked and at the end of the Admiral's speech it seemed liked the standing ovation went on forever as a thank you to the Admiral but also it had the vibe of "sorry that happened from our crowd".
Every single person in the room, including the Glover U representative who removed the heckler, felt the disrespect. It wasn't a question. It wasn't a thought. It was a "get them out immediately and how dare they". It wasn't about what side you were on or even what was said. We all felt the same, and the incident actually brought the room together.
The lesson? Surround yourself with people who respect those that have gone before us, especially those that defend our freedom, regardless of your belief system, and put yourself in rooms with people who lift each other up and don't tear each other down.
There's a reason we're the fastest growing coaching and training company on the planet and if we missed you last week, I invite you to experience our culture first hand this June during our Live Unreal Retreat in Traverse City, MI.