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2021 Agent Business Plan - Part One

In today’s episode of the Live UNREAL w/Glover U Podcast, we are getting ready for 2021 by taking a deep dive into the Agent Business Plan. Jeff will walk you through each step of the plan, and what you need to focus on in order to achieve your real estate goals next year.

This is the same plan Jeff uses for his personal production and also the plan his team uses. A day of business planning in the lead up to the new year is a critical activity we have to focus on. The plan determines the effort we’re going to need to put in, the areas we need to increase efficiency, effort and investment, and what we need to eliminate. Without tracking, we can’t change anything in our business.

We will learn from Jeff more about the first steps of our business plans and why they should be important to us.

Jeff also shares;

  • How to get a clear idea of how many deals we can expect to close.

  • Why we need to track listings sold, pending listings, buyer consultations, offers written, offers accepted, and hours worked.

  • How to focus on our database so that it grows.


"You can’t have 365 day year and up to 270 working days in this business and not spend at least one of those days planning." -Jeff Glover

"Follow a program or system of someone who is on the ground with you." -Jeff Glover


  1. Take a look at your closed business and the sources that drove those deals. Decide what source to double down on based on that information. We can double down by putting more effort, time, skill, money, or coaching into the area we selected. In order to double down on one, you’ll need to take away from another, so we need to simultaneously eliminate a source that isn’t serving our goals.

  2. Make it a non-negotiable habit to track all the numbers in your business. If you want to sell more homes, you can look at each metric and know what you need to do differently. We’ll be able to see the efficiencies and inefficiencies, and make the relevant adjustments

  3. A big part of our focus in our business plan should be adding people to our database consistently. We need to track our average database to make sure we’re making the most of opportunities to build new relationships and to generate leads.

  4. At this point, our buyers in the pipeline and listings give us a good idea of our projected results. Where you are right now determines how 2021 is going to start. What you write in November before Thanksgiving will close in December. What you write in December and in some cases after Thanksgiving will close in 2021.



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