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2021 Agent Business Plan - Part Two

In part 2 of today’s Live UNREAL w/Glover U Podcast, Jeff delves deeper into the Agent Business Plan. He shares more key areas we need to be focused on if we want to achieve our goals in 2021.

In this podcast, he talks about lead generation and why it should be a big component in our business planning.

Besides doing deals, our job as real estate agents is putting people in our sales funnel and taking care of them by adding value. That’s how we make ourselves top of mind and in turn, who they want to work with and refer.

In order to consistently do the activities that get us business and keep us top of mind, our lead generation goals need to be reflected in the things we do every single day. The most successful agents have a dialed-in routine that helps them generate business, and they never deviate from it.

Jeff will go into detail about the key sections of the 2021 Agent Business Plan, and how they all contribute to a successful real estate business.

Jeff also shared key insights on;

  • How we can put more focus on getting more people into the funnel.

  • How much money should be going to expenses for us to be profitable.

  • The importance of a morning routine we stick to consistently.


At a minimum, every single agent in the business has the opportunity to increase their business by about 20% year over year. -Jeff Glover

If your team leader, broker or coach knows your ratios, they can help you get better. -Jeff Glover

Our job as real estate agents is two-fold, putting people into the funnel and taking care of the people that are already in the funnel. -Jeff Glover

You should be getting 2 to 2.5 hours of lead generation and prospecting every day. -Jeff Glover

It’s not about what’s going on in the market, it’s about what you do. -Jeff Glover


At a minimum, every single agent in the business has the opportunity to increase their business by about 20% year over year. If you’re performing at a high level, your growth levels should be 20%.

If you’ve been in the business 3 years or less, and you have strong accountability and a training system, it’s very likely that you can double your goal for next year. Early on, there’s so much of a learning curve that it bogs down your growth.

If you have a strong morning schedule that revolves around bringing in new business and putting people into your funnel, everything else will fall into place. If something isn’t going to happen every single day, it doesn’t have to be done in the morning.

Your days worked should include a plan to work on certain weekends. That’s because the weekend is the best time to go out on appointments. You’re more likely to get a contract signed because there are no distractions and busy weekday routines to contend with.

You should always know your written sales goal and your closed deal goal. The two are different because you’re not always going to close everything you write. The written sales goal should always be 15 to 20% higher than your closed deal goal for that reason.



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