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Top 10 Short Form Video Tips For Real Estate Agents

Video has emerged as the dominant and most impactful medium for conveying messages, engaging with audiences, and building a strong brand presence. We, as real estate agents, must realize the growing importance of video content in the digital age. It's time to adapt by mastering the creation and distribution of engaging video content. By embracing video as a primary medium for branding and marketing, we can effectively connect with our target audience, differentiate ourselves from competitors, and enhance our overall real estate business success.

“Realtors need to become media content experts”

- Gary Vaynerchuk

Vaynerchuk, a prominent entrepreneur and marketing expert, suggests that Realtors must develop expertise in creating compelling media content, particularly through the use of video, in order to thrive in our profession.

Is video that important for real estate agents?

There is an urgent need for real estate professionals to become content contributors and not just content consumers. We must start creating and sharing our own content on social media platforms rather than passively observing others.

To illustrate the importance and power of video and social media, take a look at the top three domains on the internet today:

  1. 60.49 billion monthly visits

  2. 24.31 billion monthly visits

  3. 19.98 billion monthly visits

In the ranking of the top 100 most visited websites, is at the top with 60 billion visits, followed by YouTube at number 2 with 84 billion visits. As Google owns YouTube, combining the two platforms gives them a significant advantage over other platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. The goal is to win in search engine optimization by using YouTube, as Google rewards content creators on its platform.

YouTube introduced YouTube shorts to compete with Instagram reels and TikTok. Looking ahead, I believe that YouTube, with its large user base and resources, will be the ultimate winner in the competition. YouTube's extensive experience in monetization and paying content contributors makes it a reliable platform.

Long-form videos on YouTube are seen as the final destination for dedicated followers, while platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and shorts can serve as entry points to direct viewers to the long-form content on YouTube.

Long-form video details:

  • Can over be 1 hour long

  • Average view duration is lower than shorts but people watch longer periods of time

  • Youtube algorithm will make it “suggested”

  • The top viewer of long form is typically a “suggested view”

  • Think "full masterclass" on the answer to a question

  • Jam-packed content

  • No fluff, focus on the content

Long-form videos are typically over an hour long and include podcasts, TED talks, and in-depth interviews. They require viewers to invest their time and attention, and by engaging them, the content creator expands their sphere of influence and increases their database.

The YouTube algorithm plays a crucial role in gaining visibility and becoming suggested to viewers. Dominating a niche involves providing authentic, content-rich masterclasses tailored to the target audience.

On the other hand, short-form videos, which are less than 60 seconds, dominate the current video consumption landscape, accounting for 80% of video content consumed online.

Short form videos are designed to be easily consumed, providing bite-sized and easily digestible content that viewers can scroll through quickly.

Short-form video details:

  • Any type of video content that’s less than 60 seconds

  • Meant to be bite-sized, easily digestible pieces of content that are easy for viewers to scroll through and view several at a time

  • 96% of consumers prefer short-form videos

When creating short-form videos, the goal is to grab and maintain viewer attention through techniques like hand motions, passionate speaking, and lively delivery.

Short-form content captures attention and leads viewers to explore long-form content, which provides an opportunity for deeper engagement and revenue. Balancing short-form and long-form content caters to different preferences and maximizes engagement. I've outlined my top 10 tips for succeeding with short-form video as real estate agents looking to increase engagement and maximize growth through video marketing.

Top 10 short-form video tips for real estate agents

  1. Pay attention to popular trends

  2. Start with a hook

  3. Create relevant content

  4. Repurpose long form videos

  5. Don’t intro yourself (or do it quickly)!

  6. Post consistently

  7. Promote across platforms

  8. Record vertically

  9. Use captions strategically

  10. Close up – people crave attention & connection

1. Pay Attention to Popular Trends

Paying attention to popular trends when creating short-form videos is crucial for effectively grabbing people's attention and increasing brand awareness. Trends represent the topics, styles, and formats that are currently capturing the interest of a large audience. By incorporating these trends into your videos, you can tap into the existing attention and curiosity surrounding them. This helps you grab people's attention more effectively as they are already inclined to engage with content related to those trends.

2. Start with a Hook

Creating hooks is an essential strategy for capturing viewers' attention and generating curiosity. Hooks are statements or questions that pique interest and make people want to know more. They serve as the initial enticing element that draws viewers into your content. One example of a hook could be a statement like, "Did you know that now is a great time to sell your home, in the dead of winter?" This kind of hook prompts viewers to wonder about the underlying explanation and motivates them to continue watching or listening to discover more. Hooks come in various forms and can be tailored to engage specific target audiences effectively.

You can buy our Marketing Message Formula + 80 Hook Examples or you can download it for free in the Glover U app (available in the Apple Apps or Google Play store)!

3. Create relevant content

Creating relevant content is crucial for effective communication and engagement with your audience. It's important to address the needs, interests, and preferences of your target audience in your content. Understanding their pain points and providing valuable solutions or information can help establish your credibility and build trust.

4. Repurpose long-form videos

When creating short form videos, repurposing long form videos can be a valuable strategy. It involves taking excerpts or highlights from longer videos and adapting them into shorter, more digestible content pieces. By repurposing long form videos, you can maximize their reach and engagement by catering to audiences with shorter attention spans or those who prefer bite-sized content. This allows you to leverage existing long form content and extend its lifespan, while also catering to different platforms and audience preferences.

Short-form video is distributed everywhere to drive traffic to your brand and your long form videos.

5. Don’t intro yourself or do it quickly!

When creating short-form videos, it's generally advised not to introduce yourself at the beginning of the video. This is because short-form videos have limited time and require immediate engagement to capture viewers' attention. The primary goal of short-form videos is to deliver concise and impactful content that resonates with the audience right from the start. By focusing on the main message or hook without lengthy introductions, you can maximize the chances of viewers staying engaged and watching the video in its entirety.

6. Post consistently

Consistent posting in making video shorts is crucial for building and maintaining an engaged audience, optimizing platform algorithms, strengthening brand awareness, meeting audience expectations, and maintaining content momentum.




7. Promote across platforms

By promoting your short-form videos across platforms, you can expand your reach, leverage cross-promotion opportunities, diversify your content strategy, increase social sharing potential, and maintain brand consistency. This multi-platform approach enhances the visibility and impact of your short-form videos.

8. Record vertically

While recording vertically may not be necessary for all types of videos, it is particularly important for short-form videos that are intended for mobile consumption and optimized for specific social media platforms. By recording vertically, you cater to user preferences, maximize screen space, and enhance the overall viewing experience for your audience.

9. Use captions strategically

By using captions strategically, you make your short-form videos more accessible, engaging, and discoverable. Captions enhance the user experience, improve comprehension, and cater to various viewing contexts and preferences. Whether it's for accessibility, engagement, or SEO purposes, incorporating captions into your short-form videos can significantly benefit your audience and overall video performance.

10. Shoot close up – people crave attention & connection

Using close-up shots in short-form videos can be highly effective because people naturally crave attention and connection. Close-ups allow viewers to see the facial expressions, emotions, and details of the subject more clearly, creating a sense of intimacy and engagement. By utilizing close-up shots, you can captivate viewers, hold their attention, and evoke emotional responses, resulting in a more impactful and memorable video experience.

Video and social media goals

Our goal as a Realtors or any small business is NOT to become an influencer with 1 million Subscribers. Our goal is to represent and display our business’s ability to utilize today’s marketing fundamentals. We can become influencers in our local communities, become valid by displaying our commitment and expertise through video and social media and avoid being disqualified from opportunities.

Define content pillars

Here is an example of my content pillars, three categories that I stay inside, with all of my content: I'm a realtor, I'm a coach, and I'm a landlord. Those are my three content pillars. Define what your pillars are after you determine what your personal brand is.

How do I create my own real estate content?

  1. Determine what your followers are enjoying and engaging with, and create more of that. It all starts with that first video, you have to get going.

  2. is a fantastic tool for coming up with content ideas. The best content and video is very simply answering questions you hear every day. will tell you exactly what people are searching.

  3. If you have a unique value proposition, you can break that down into bite sized parts and throw that into a short form video.

7 tips for creating more content

  1. Bulk record and multipurpose your content for efficiency.

  2. Create a sense of community and engagement within your audience.

  3. Focus on connecting with your followers, rather than just chasing high numbers.

  4. Recognize the importance of your channels in establishing credibility with sellers.

  5. Answer specific questions and address the needs of your ideal subscribers.

  6. Opt for simple, specific questions to attract more viewership.

  7. Utilize tools like VidIQ to enhance your content creation and stay on top of trends.

Marketing Mastery

While this overview sheds light on the importance of not getting left behind in this evolving landscape, our 16-week Marketing Mastery course offers a comprehensive, live experience where you'll learn actionable marketing strategies to grow your real estate business. Take action and take your marketing to the next level.

Greg Erlanger

Greg Erlanger is the leader of the #1 real estate team in Ohio, of all brands. Greg is highly regarded for his expertise in various areas such as social media success, video marketing, overall marketing strategies, brand building, and digital media understanding. Greg also serves as a Glover U coach, where he leads the Marketing Mastery program.

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